Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is SO unique and stunning! It is like no other place in Europe that I have traveled to so far. The buildings and cities have such a medieval elegance feel to them. I loved it here so much. What was really special about this place is that my friend I was traveling with lived here for a few years, so I kind of got to see the ins and outs of Prague. It has such a special place in my heart <3.

Prague | Czech Republic

Sarah and Jans Airbnb was in the most perfect location! If you want to be close to the center, this is the place for you. The flat is actually much larger in person than in pictures and has ample amount of space. The hosts are terrific and you really get a sense of what having your own flat in Prague is like!

Sarah and Jan’s AirBNB | Prague



Drinks | Lokal

Our second and third day in Prague was jammed packed. I felt so comfortable everywhere I went in Prague. It is such a livable city and incredibly unique with all of the medieval and gothic vibes. It is also pretty inexpensive if you go to the right places.  We grabbed a quick bite for breakfast and ate on the go while walking to Wenceslas Square.

Wenceslas Square | Praha 1
Capital Building | Prague

We ate lunch at this very hip new lunch spot called, Manifesto – pretty new in Prague and so many delicious food options to choose from. We liked it so much that we went back there before we headed out to the airport on our last day too.

Manifesto | Prague

After lunch, we walked and walked and explored the city a bunch. It’s all so charming and unique. I really do not know how else to explain it!



Me | Charles Bridge | Arch Bridge in Prague | Czech Republic



We walked to see the famous castle. Be prepared for a lot of stairs on your way up there! 🙂

Our Walk to Prague Castle
Prague Castle
Me | Prague Castle

After our walk through the castle grounds, we headed over to Malá Strana and took a picture at the famous John Lennon wall.

Mala Strana


Malá Strana was just as charming as all the other spots in Prague ❤ Can’t you tell??

“I Love Praha |  Wall Art | John Lennon Wall

We walked and walked and walked to try and find this Biergarten my friend said was awesome. We never ended up finding the exact one, but we came across so many other cool experiences along the way. We found a concert at the top of a hill overlooking the entire city, and I got to try my first raclette cheese! Our walk back to our flat was pretty magical too.

Concert in the park
Drink line | The concert on a hill




Our last full day in Prague started with walking to the metro to explore another area in Prague.

Metro | Prague


We had MAJOR photo op at this green wall in Praha 2 after a delicious brunch. If you have time for breakfast, go to Cafefin and order the avocado toast. You can thank me later. Also, I apologize in advance for all of the green wall pics, haha. Couldn’t resist.

Avocado Toast | Cafefin
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Praha 2 | Czech Republic

After a long day of walking, brunching, and exploring, we met up with some old friends of my travel buddy and had an authentic Czech experience meal of fried cheese, bread, and cranberries.

Authentic Czech Restaurant
Czech Meal

Somehow we still walked forever and ever to a park called, Vyšehrad, that my friend said was breathtaking for sunset. I am so glad she took me there and I got to see this part of Prague. I highly recommend you go there for sunset. It was an incredibly peaceful and perfect ending to all of our sightseeing that day. Afterwards, we walked to an area called Naplavka, where you can find numerous boats on the water that are actually bars. SO SO COOL. IMG_1244IMG_1245IMG_1248

View | Vysharad Park
Sunset | Vysherad Park

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Naplavka | On the banks of the Vltava River




Prague in general just gives off this very cool, medieval vibe. You must go see! Dobrou noc, Prague! I love your everything ❤

Tara Tips*

To Stay

Airbnb! |  I linked the one we stayed in here for you. I think you get the best feel for this incredible city by staying in a flat. See below for link.

Sarah’s calm and Cozy Flat:

To Do

Visit Old Town | See the famous astronomical clock in Old Town Square.

Beers @Lokál. You can drink on the street outside of the bar or sit inside and order some food.

Walk around Wenceslas Square and do a little shopping.

Visit Vyšherad Park for sunset. Take a bottle of wine with you or just relax and enjoy the view. It is a beautiful park just to walk around in too.

Walk across the Charles Bridge

Go to the castle! It is incredible!

See Mala Strana and take a pic at the John Lennon Wall if you have time.

To Eat

Have lunch @Manifesto. There are SO MANY options, from ice cream to poke bowls to Bao buns. YUM and done.

Dinner @Maitrea for my vegetarian friends. Get the split pea soup!


Have a fun night out on the boats in Náplavka! This area is SO incredible. You will all love it here and have the best night!


Prague is the perfect place and I hope you guys like it as much as I do! ❤






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