A Little About Me!

Hi guys! ❤ So happy to have you stop by my blog and take a look at my favorite places and spaces. I hope you get some great travel ideas, tips, and tricks; along with some style, beauty, and clothing inspiration.

Me | Paris

About Me |

Name | My name is Tara. I am named after the movie, Gone with the Wind (in case you were wondering and all!) I am a believer in love, faith, and NORDSTROM. I love all things girly, it’s just who I am. BUT, I also enjoy hiking, being in nature, and those sorts of things! Enjoy life and love it every day because we should not take it for granted, even for a second ❤

Originally From | I am originally from the glorious Garden State. I grew up in New Jersey my whole life and ate all the Italian food I could get my hands on. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Am I right, Jersey friends??

Family Life | I am married to my husband, Jim. We met in high school and took a little break before deciding we could not be apart! We got married in Park City, Utah. We ❤ that state SO much. We have one rescue cat, Clyde, who we adore <3. I would probably have a TON of animals if I could, but I know that would be a lot a lot of upkeep!

Live | We currently live in Washington State in the Pacific Northwest. I love living in the PNW and have never looked back since. If you haven’ been out here yet, you should definitely plan a trip! Take a look at my TRAVEL section and click SEATTLE for more info if you’re interested. Prior to living in Washington, we lived in California, Utah, and Pennsylvania.

Career  | I have been teaching for 10 years now, which is kind of crazy to even say! I love being creative and expressing myself through art and other outlets. This blog has been something so special for me to create and add content to. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have creating it 🙂

My Basic Favs | Traveling, road trips, clothing, style, being creative, shopping, art, animals, shoes (and more shoes!), sunsets, grocery shopping…is that weird!?, Whole Foods & Nordstrom=my fav stores, wine, walks, yoga, hikes, mountains, views, picnics, and good food <3.

Thanks for stopping by! Safe travels and enjoy the ride that is life ❤ ❤