Stylish Sneakers

Practical shoes are probably one of those things that has taken me the longest to understand. I LOVE shoes. I love all kinds of things related to the fashion industry, but shoes are definitely one of my favorites. The only issue is that I have never found sneakers that looked REALLY stylish (and somewhat fancier) but were also functional to wear walking around here and there. I would go out and feel like I had the wrong shoes on for just walking around town causally. My husband always got upset with me too because I would complain after walking for a bit! Whoops! Anyways, I love to walk around, and have always wanted shoes that looked just a bit cuter than your average sneaker.

I finally found the most stylish, cute, and comfortable sneakers of my dreams! So if you have been in the same boat as me before, look no further because I got you covered girl. The sneakers by, Linea Paolo, are the sneakers you have always wanted, but didn’t know they were out there. Now, I wouldn’t say to go walking 10 miles in these bad boys, but definitely a day of walking around wouldn’t hurt you in the comfort level by any means. They are VERY comfortable and stylish! Sometimes I don’t want to wear just flat sneakers, I want a little pizzaz! These are IT!!

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Linea Paolo | Anna Wedge Sneaker

I bought them in the Rock Per Suede color in size 7.5, which is my true shoe size. I would love them in black as well! They’re just perfect!!

**If you like a little more edge and can handle the wedge (no pun intended! ha), they also come in a slightly higher heel. I will also put the link for those below. Happy shoe shopping! ❤

Linea Paolo | Anna Wedge Sneaker | Rock Per Suede | 7.5 | TTS | $119.95

Shop My Sneakers Below!


Shop For Higher Wedge Option!

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