Columbia Glacier Icefields Adventure

At The Top | Columbia Icefield Glacier

When we first arrived for our tour, I had mixed emotions because I loved being in Banff and didn’t want to leave that area. We were staying at The Fairmont too, and it’s just the most picturesque place you have ever seen! There is just SO MUCH to explore in Alberta, Canada, and all of the surrounding areas, that it’s somewhat overwhelming! Have you ever felt like that when you explored a new place?? Canada is just so spectacular and if you are a mountain lover like myself, you will literally feel like you won the lottery. Maybe not THAT far, but you know what I mean. First thing to do was to hop on an Ice Explorer and head on up there!

Our Ride | Ice Explorer
Window View | Ice Explorer
Window View | Ice Explorer
Views | Glacier
Hubs and I | Icefields
Fresh Drinking Water | Columbia Icefields Glacier
Cliff Edge Walkway | Glacier Skywalk
Glacier Skywalk
Glacier Skywalk
Our Walk Back To The Bus | Glacier Skywalk
Ice Explorer
Mountain View | Canadian Rockies | Sunwapta Valley

Columbia Icefields Glacier Adventure | Riding in one of those Ice Explorers is bad a**! It was a blast riding to the glacier. You can’t really tell in the pictures, but the tires are as tall, if not taller than me! There is someone who will be your guide and talk you through everything you’re seeing during your ride. My favorite part out of the whole adventure was drinking the fresh glacier water right from the flowing stream. It was the best tasting water I have ever had! I am seriously not just saying that or talking it up either. Our guide told us that there are a lot of extra vitamins and minerals in the water because of numerous reasons that I am not going to list lol. The water tastes so clean and delicious! Just know that glacier water is for real guys. If I loved the cold weather, I would just sit up there all day and drink gallons of it haha. Anyways, you will really love the whole experience on the glacier! It’s something that you just don’t normally get to do, and that’s what makes it even more exciting. After you have your time up there, you head back to the main area, where you can hop on a bus to get to the Glacier Skywalk. It’s only about a 5 minute ride and then you’re there!

Glacier Skywalk | I am so afraid of heights! YIKES! It takes me awhile to “deal” with it, and I try my best in any situation I happen to be in. Sometimes are better than others. This Glacier Skywalk for me though, was totally terrifying, but AMAZING. I was the one (amongst many children and adults) that was literally clinging to the railings and not looking down. It is a 980 foot drop, if you can imagine that! Did I mention it is completely see through on the bottom? That’s what makes it so unique too (and scary)! It is just simply breathtaking in that area as well. I highly suggest you give them both a try if you are in the area.

All the information you need about the Columbia Icefields and the Glacier Skywalk is on their website below. It really gives you a great idea of what everything will be like and look like! I hope my pictures help you as well! 🙂 Prices can all be found on the website also.

Questions | Just ask! Anything else you might want to know about the tours, please comment below, or direct message me.

See Link Below For More Info!

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