Cinque Terre, Italy-Part 2

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Train stop | Manarola |Cinque Terre | Italy

If you read my Cinque Terre Part 1 post, you would already know that the second day in Cinque Terre, Italy we decided to buy an all day train pass and see all of the villages in 1 day. If you didn’t, now you know the plan! 🙂 Getting the all day train pass is definitely the way to go. I really didn’t know how we were going to do this all in 1 day, but somehow we managed and had the most amazing time. Even though our time was short, we got to experience the culture of each town and the things that make them each so unique. We decided to go to the town of Manarola, closest to Riomaggiore (where we were staying) first, followed by Corniglia, then all the way down to Monterosso, and lastly Vernazza and back home. We didn’t make any real plans during this travel day. The only plan was to explore the other 4 coastal villages of Cinque Terre! We also definitely knew we wanted to try to get some beach time in at Monterosso so that’s why we decided to go there before the sun was gone.

Manarola | Cinque Terre | Italy

First stop, Manarola, Cinque Terre, Italy. Isn’t it so colorful and full of life!? Manarola is the most similar looking to Riomaggiore I would say, but different in many ways. See that cliff in the picture below?? Everyone was climbing all over the rocks, sunbathing on rocks, jumping off a rocks, etc. It was pretty neat! We did a lot of good shopping here too. Tara Tip* A lot of the stores only accept cash so make sure you have some on hand. Don’t worry though because there are ATM machines readily available for you to use. I think that Riomaggiore and Manarola had the best shopping experience. Such cute, authentic Italian shops filled with goodies to bring back home or use right away on your trip! We walked around the town for a little bit and grabbed some focaccia (would you have thought of anything else after my last post?) and baked goods. We really didn’t know what to expect with the other towns so we didn’t stay too long here. We gave ourselves about 2 hours and then headed back on the train to our next stop, Corniglia. See ya Manarola!

Swimming area | Manarola
Manarola |Cinque Terre | Italy


Buonjourno, Corniglia!


Stairs up to the main town | Corniglia

Okay, so…I was not very excited about this stop. AT FIRST. It ended up being my favorite one! You reeeeeeally have to work for this one folks. Those stairs were INTENSE and what felt like never-ending too. Also, it was hot, hot, hot. Singing…hot, hot, hot. I digress, anyways, once we arrived at the top, I was still telling my friend, Samantha, this better be worth it lol. I was totally half joking, half not. Then we got into the main area and I immediately felt so much joy from this village. There was a fresh lemonade ice shop and it was the most refreshing drink of my life. If only I could have one of those drinks on the regs, I would be one happy camper!


We spent a lot of time walking around every inch and corner of this village, finding all different twists and turns. When we finally made it to the very end, there was a cozy bar overlooking the entire sea, which was breathtakingly beautiful! There was also a large lookout area with telescopes to use and a great picture spot. The bar was fully seated and there were only a couple spots, so we decided to turn around and explore a little more until we found a good spot to relax at for awhile.


We took a bunch of more pics and then settled in on this hidden gem of a place called, La Scuna. It is on the side of the main street and down a bunch of stairs. From the street, it looks like you wouldn’t be able to see the water, but so not true! Once you get down there, there is a good amount of seating, and quite a lovely view.

Stairs down to La Scuna
La Scuna | Corniglia | Cinque Terre | Italy

We thoroughly enjoyed our time spent at this cute, picturesque bar in Corniglia <3. It was definitely one of the highlights from the day! You must go here and don’t forget to get the pesto and stracchino cheese focaccia sandwich! 🙂 THE BEST.


Third Stop, Monterosso!

Monterosso Train Stop | Cinque Terre | Italy
Monterosso Beach
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Castle and Restaurant | Monterosso

What do you think of these sunset views below?? I was so happy to catch the sunset before we took off to our last stop for the day, Vernazza.

Sunset | Monterosso
Last minute of the sunset!


Last stop, Vernazza!

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Vernazza | Cinque Terre
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Center of town | Vernazza

Was pleasantly surprised with yet another AMAZING town. They are all just so incredible to see and experience, I can’t say it enough. You NEED to come visit Cinque Terre, it’s not even a want. Just visit, and then thank me later 🙂

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Ocean view | Vernazza
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Pizzeria Baia Saracena | Vernazza
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Pesto dinner | Pizzeria Baia Saracena

Europe, this is one of the reasons why I love you right here. When we arrived back in Riomaggiore there was a DJ playing in the streets and everyone was out enjoying life together. People of all ages were dancing in the street and having the best time, including ME! We stayed for awhile and then walked back to our Airbnb to get some rest for tomorrow travels. Off to Florence in the morning!

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DJ party in the streets | Riomaggiore

Goodnight Riomaggiore!

Tara Tips*

To Do

Cinque Terre all day train pass | (16€) | Buy the train pass to all of the villages and visit all 5 towns. Even if you are short on time, it is SO worth it! Trust me!

Monarola | Has great shopping, a huge rock cliff to jump off of, and amazing swimming! They also have delicious food and an amazing restaurant overlooking the water. Make reservations!

Corniglia | Have drinks and apps at La Scuna. Order the pesto and stracchino cheese focaccia sandwich. It is DELISH! Reminder: There are LOTS of steps to the top of the town so be prepared 🙂

Monterosso | Has great beaches and a beachy town vibe. This is the place to go to the beach for awhile (if not the day), rent an umbrella, etc.

Vernazza | Great place for dinner by the water. Check in for special events with local fish and wine tastings. They often have them during the week around 6:00pm.

Riomaggiore |  Where we stayed! ❤ Colorful houses and amazing food. Have drinks and dinner at Bar Vini, overlooking the water. See my Part 1 post for more info on this little gem! If you stay here, you might get to have a dance party in the streets! Such an experience! I truly will never forget this place ❤


Visiting all of the 5 towns  is a memory I will never forget! I hope you plan your trip soon 🙂 Happy planning! 



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