RV Trip through Canada. Oh. Canada

Anyone down for a little road trip? I always am. Road trips and trains for the win. I’ll take those any day over flying, but flying definitely gets you there faster for sure!


Canada has SO MUCH to offer. We took a family RV road trip in July from Washington all the way up to Banff National Park. Our final destination was Calgary, Canada, which my husband and I flew back to Seattle from. Our parents met us for the Fourth of July and we spent a couple days here in Woodinville, enjoying some good wine and food. We took off on the road for a little over a week and returned back home on the 14th. It was quite a journey and our first time traveling in a RV, which is a whole other beast to deal with. I’ll explain more on that in another post lol.

Paul Lake and Martha Creek Campsites

Day 1: We started off on our journey and road for about 4 hours to Paul Lake Provincial Park. We were campsite number 99 and we camped out for the night there. I much rather camp with an RV than in a tent, let me tell you. So many great things that come along with bringing an RV with you, like a bed, mini kitchen, bathroom etc. They are also a lot of maintenance and work though too so you definitely need to outweigh your options on that. I think that renting one for an occasion like this would be a great idea!

Paul Lake Campsite

We set up camp for the night and enjoyed a warm fire, wine, and good food. We stopped at Whole Foods before taking off and bought all kinds of pasta salads and already made foods like tuna fish, egg salad, etc. For dinner, we grilled burgers and a Portobello Mushroom for me, topped them off with all of the fixings…delish!

Tara Tip* In Canada, campsites have people that drive around asking if you would like to purchase firewood for the night. It is usually around $8 a bundle. 

These are my must pack food items for camping/road trips:

Chips, Crackers, Cheese, Protein Bars, Cheese Doodles (total weakness of mine), Any kind of gummy snack (I buy mine from Whole Foods, like everything else I purchase for our trips), and Marcona Almonds (trust me on these guys!)  There’s nothing better than sitting by the fire and enjoying some good wine with cheese, bread, and almonds while camping! Don’t forget the Cheese Doodles too! 🙂 

Campsite View @ Paul Lake

Day 2: Hello Nature! One of the best feelings is waking up literally in nature. I don’t know what it is, but it just feels good to the soul. Anyone else feel that way!?? We spent a little time enjoying some hot coffee, listening to the birds, and looking at the beautiful mountains and trees. Tara Tip* If you plan on camping out, make sure to carefully look at the site you are interested in because it is always better if you get a nice view along your travels! Some spots have nicer views than others. Also, if you don’t want to be too close to your neighbors (or if you do), it’s good to look into that! More popular places book out WAY in advance so keep that in mind too and you will be good to go! Time to pack up and get out on the road!

Lake Revelstoke @ Martha Creek

Next campsite was in Martha Creek Provincial Park. This campsite was AAAA-MAZING. We did not get a spot on the water, but if you do decide to camp here, you MUST. Luckily, we still had a nice view of the mountains and trees, and we were only a very short walk to the lake. The lake is called Lake Revelstoke and what is even more amazing is the national park itself, which I will get to shortly. We set up camp and chilled out for the night. We brought our drinks down to the lake and listened to the water. It was such a peaceful place!

Campsite @ Martha Creek

By the way, half the reason why I posted this picture above is because these Zero Gravity Recliner chairs are awesome for camping. They are from Camping World and you need these if you camp a lot. Go buy them. See Link here: 


Day 3: Revelstoke National Park. Going to save the next two places for another post! See my section in, “Travel.”

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