Mount Revelstoke National Park, British Columbia, Canada

Oh Canada! Oh Canada!

Mount Revelstoke National Park is a GLORIOUS place to visit and I wish we had more time to explore, but we had a schedule to follow and had to make our way to our next campsite. We did have the opportunity to stop and spend the day in the park and in and around the town of Revelstoke itself. It is a pretty neat little ski town. This video was taken near the entrance of the park. That’s Jimmy in the background saying, “Tara, we’re rolling.” Haha. I just needed a quick shot because it was oh so beautiful!  The drive up to the very top is completely worth the trip so don’t pass that by. You won’t regret it!

Once we got to the top of the mountain (about a 20 minute drive or so) My husband and father in law decided to go on a longer hike through the park and I decided to do something shorter and easier with my mother in law. It worked out for the best and gave us some girl time. We decided to take this trail below called, Koo Koo Sint Trail and it was just what we were looking for. Simple and easy hike to an incredible viewpoint. Keep this on your list as a must do! Check and check. 



The viewpoint was breathtaking and well worth it, as you can see! Again, the hike to this view was super simple so it is an easy hike for all ages. I am not even sure if I would actually call it a hike, it’s definitely more of a short walk.

I am not going to lie, was pretty nervous about all of the bear warnings everywhere. Canada wilderness is no joke my friends. It really made my mother in law and myself very nervous. We made sure to bring our bear mace a long and played music on our phone while we were on the paths. Tara Tip* If you are exploring the Canadian Wilderness, make sure to bring some bear mace along with you or even buy some bear bells. We saw a lot of people carrying them and supposedly they help too. Hey, whatever works! It’s the wild out there, people. 


Does anyone else enjoy taking photos of random animals and whatnot along their travels? I could not resist this little guy just nibbling on some food. Totally adorable!


After we stayed at the viewpoint for awhile, we made our way back down to the RV. There is a shuttle that you can take to get back down to the parking lot area or you can just walk back down on your own. We decided to walk down and not wait for the shuttle, which was definitely the way to go. Such beauty along the way!

I unfortunately did not keep any of my photos from the town of Revelstoke, but this is a great place to do a little window shopping and grab some lunch or dinner. We ate at The Village Idiot Bar and Grill. It was a great place for a late lunch and good beers! They also have a wine/beer/liquor store in town so you can pick up any of those goodies if needed! We got some local beers for the road and then we were off to our next adventure, Kootenay National Park. Get ready for some craziness in Kootenay!

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