
This blog has been a very long time coming and has changed in many different ways. I started writing in this space a few years ago and since then, it has turned into something that I am really proud of. I took a few breaks here and there, but always seemed to come back to it. I hope you enjoy reading about some of my favorite places and spaces! Below is one of my favorite quotes, which I found in the charming city of Prague ❤ So true though, no?

Quote Bench | Wenceslas Square | Prague

A little bit about me:

I love traveling to places new and old, and seeing the world around me

I love all living things in this world (minus most insects, sorry!)

Clothes, shoes, clothes, shoes…need I say more? Favorite store on this planet is without a doubt, Nordstrom, hello my love!

I have a husband that I adore and a cat named Clyde (Little Man, Clydie, Stink are some other names I may refer to him as)

You can find me either at Whole Foods or Nordstroms. I love going to the grocery store. Is that weird??

Born and raised in New Jersey! If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Ain’t that the truth my fellow NJ friends??

I have lived in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Utah, and California!

We currently live in the Pacific Northwest in Washington State, which is a dream come true for us! We ❤ the west coast 🙂

There’s so much beauty everywhere you turn in this world, and it is just begging for us to come and enjoy it! ❤  See you there. 

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