
blog qoute

Really, it’s true! You don’t believe me?? Well, try it for yourself. Go on an adventure. Something that’s not fully planned out step by step and see if you lean something new about yourself or about anything.

There’s no better time than right now to be relishing in a good adventure. Occasionally, when I go away to a new place,  I won’t have the itinerary planned out. I enjoy figuring it out and exploring around. I definitely will make sure to bring a mini notebook (old school I know 🙂 use you phone if that’s your thing) with some of the best places to check out though. I find these these little gems using sites like trip advisor. What I have come to find though, is that a lot of the time wherever a good crowd is (most of the cases, but not always), is where you want to be. I can not tell you how many times I have stopped at a spot because there was a huge crowd of people there and more often than not, there’s a reason for it.

*Some things I have learned…

I’ve learned to be more thankful for what I do have.

I’ve learned that I CAN do anything I put my mind to.

I’ve learned that not everything is going to be perfect all of the time.

That’s a huge part of life isn’t it? Figuring it all out and learning new things. I hope I never stop learning about myself and I keep striving to be better and better.

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